Painted Trash: An LGBTQ+ Podcast of Hilarious Discourse
Painted Trash: An LGBTQ+ Podcast of Hilarious Discourse
T.K.O.; Past vs. Future
Welcome to Episode 201! Well, did you watch it?? Have you been painting what you saw and sharing your thoughts? The first Presidential debate happened last week and there is a lot to be discussed. So that's what The Boys are set to do this week.
This week saw National Voter Registration Day an important day on the calendar and on the topic of the debate-- It happened yes. Some of what we saw and heard was exactly what we expected but there certainly were some shocking moments. Some of those moments were straight out of left field. The Boys are sitting down to review their thoughts on the debate topics, messaging, and subsequent news stories since the debate finished up. Policy and facts coming from one side; lies and hate from the other. There certainly was a winner. There certainly was a loser. And the American People will have their say November 5th.
Kicking of this week's episode Mark & Casey are discussing the wonders of science and the travesty that is bus travel in Chicago. One of those gets painted. Bet you can guess which!
Trash Talk topics this week include a Hot Ones Versus episode where a "star" must decide apologize or stand behind their attack on Madonna's movie career, Laura Loomer Twitter attacks, and a new reason to be careful how you treat your family.
All this and a shared recommendation too!?! It's topical, colorful and painted episode. So poor yourself a glass of the chilled port vintage to ride out the last days of summer and pull up a seat to the table to join your GBFFs. Get ready -- it's time to paint!
Let The Boys of Painted Trash know your thoughts on this week's topics and episode! What street festivals do you attend? Do you like street fests? What is your favorite festival??
Have a topic idea or story you recommend for Trash Talk, be sure to send it in to our email or through the "contact us" on our website.
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