Painted Trash: An LGBTQ+ Podcast of Hilarious Discourse
Painted Trash: An LGBTQ+ Podcast of Hilarious Discourse
How To Talk To MAGA
Welcome to Episode 205! This week -- we are inside of 20 days to the Presidential Election in the United States of America and boy, oh, boy, this race continues to dominate much of American culture and life. The divide designed by The Dump and his cult, MAGA, continues to be in place if not worsening. Many of us in the USA have folks we know, even some we have loved and cared about deeply have been lost to the cult. But how do we talk to them? Is it even possible? Can we have any relationship at all with them?
This one's a serious topic for a Mid-Section but it's done Painted Trash style, of course! Casey & Mark feel this one is important as relationships are important and in some cases there's hope; and in some there is not -- so what then? The Boys have some great advice and guidance on how to have a tough conversation without it shutting down or losing your cool (or your sanity). Of course the discussion delves deep and busts a couple of ... guts... with humor of course! What did you think would bustin'???
Trash Talk this week kicks off with The Dentures showing exactly how many "f****" he has left to give. Then it's on to a man in the UK who has made an interesting choice for his life at home and an entertainment problem on a recent flight.
Kicking off this week, Casey is sharing about the rollercoaster experience of a recent watch from a prolific producer, Mark makes difficult casting choices for a film concept, and The Boys break out in song!
This one's giving you all the feels and all 'da tall (tea)! So grab some of the fall-flavored port vintage and grab a comfy chair and pull it over to the fire pit to join your GBFFs because, It's Time To Paint!
Let The Boys of Painted Trash know your thoughts on this week's topics and episode! What street festivals do you attend? Do you like street fests? What is your favorite festival??
Have a topic idea or story you recommend for Trash Talk, be sure to send it in to our email or through the "contact us" on our website.
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