Painted Trash: An LGBTQ+ Podcast of Hilarious Discourse
Painted Trash: An LGBTQ+ Podcast of Hilarious Discourse
Turkey Lurkey Time
Welcome to Episode 210! Life! Amiright? What's the saying?? "When the tough get going...? Its been a tough couple of weeks for one of The Boys of Painted Trash Podcast which has had Linda trying to juggle flaming chainsaws. 'Ya know?
This week, Mark & Casey are taking a minute together and having a good 'ol fashioned kiki as we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday this week. Catching up after a trip to visit family, Mark is catching you up on the goings on. Then The Boys are looking forward to the holiday and ranking their favorite foods for this trough-focused holiday. And never fear -- The Boys have a recommendation for you to keep up with your entertainments during the holiday weekend.
The Boys are looking forward into the Fall past just Thanksgiving and the conversation hits all the levels. This one's a heartfelt warm-fest with food, family (both blood and chosen), and hilarious connection. So order yourself, pour yourself a full glass of holiday port vintage and pull up a seat to the table with your GBFFs. It's time to paint!
Let The Boys of Painted Trash know your thoughts on this week's topics and episode! What street festivals do you attend? Do you like street fests? What is your favorite festival??
Have a topic idea or story you recommend for Trash Talk, be sure to send it in to our email or through the "contact us" on our website.
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